Ralph Moir and Maryann Brent studied Alameda Creek barriers blocking the pathways to traditional spawning grounds for andronomous fish in the Tri-Valley near Livermore, California. The return of spawning runs for steelhead trout and salmon depends on the removal of these barriers and adequate flows of water during certain times of the year.


Migratory fish reports

Migratory fish stream report for the Livermore, Pleasanton, and Dublin Tri Valley – Barriers to fish migration Ralph Moir and Maryann Brent, March 10, 2003

Migratory fish headwaters of the Arroyo Mocho, Ralph Moir and Maryann Brent, July 21, 2003

Mines Road Barrier on the Mocho, Ralph Moir and Maryann Brent, October 9, 2005