Molten Salt Reactors

Selected fission research
emphasizes molten salt fission
plants with thorium playing
a special role as “the path not
taken” in the 1970s. Fissile
fuel, U-233, from fusion
breeders is a theme.

Dr. Teller’s Strange Loves


Fission papers, talks, proceedings and links

Ralph’s History with Edward
A description of the molten salt reactor on the thorium-uranium-233 cycle, from Reactor
Physics and LPSC (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie), Grenoble (2001)

Hoglund’s home page, info and papers on molten salt reactors

Thorium fueled underground power plant based on molten salt technology, Ralph Moir
and Edward Teller, Nuclear Technology 151 334-339 (2005)

C/C – SiC composites-white paper, Per Peterson (2003)

Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (NERI) Proposal 2002, Deep-Burn Molten-Salt Reactors,
Moir et al

Cost of electricity from Molten Salt Reactors (MSR), Moir, Nuclear Technology 138 93-95 (2002)

Talk recommendations for a restart of molten salt reactor development Presentation to the
ICENES 2007, 13th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems,
3-8 June, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey

Recommendations for a restart of molten salt reactor development,, Moir, Energy Conversion & Management, 49 (2008) 1849-1858

Talk at at Oct. 19, 20, 2009 First Thorium Energy Alliance meeting,

Furukawa et al. ICENES 2007, Energy Conversion & Management, 49 (2008) 1832-1848

Jets and droplets compared to a moving slab of liquid for divertor cooling for a tokamak magnetic fusion energy reactor, (2008), R. Moir,
Vallecitos Molten Salt Research Report No. 1, 51 pages

David LeBlanc’s Too good to leave on the shelf, Mechanical Engineering, May 2010

Liquid fluoride thorium reactors, (2010), Hargraves and Moir, American Scientist, 98, July-August, 10 pages

Thinking nuclear? Think thorium. (2010), Kirk Sorensen. Machine Design, March 16

U232 nonproliferation features, (June 25, 2010) R. W. Moir. Vallecitos Molten Salt Research, Report No. 2, 17 pages

Liquid Fuel Nuclear Reactors, (January 2011) Robert Hargraves and Ralph Moir. APS Physics Forum on Physics & Society, Volume 40, Number 1

Nonproliferation role of 231Pa and 232U in a Molten Salt Reactor on the Th-233U fuel cycle, (July 16, 2014). Rev 1 (September 9, 2014). R.W. Moir. Vallecitos Molten Salt Research, Report No. 6, 13 pages


(May 29, 2014) TEAC 6 meeting, Chicago.

Suggested research topics for molten salt reactors

Links to other websites for molten salt reactors

ThorCon – the Flex Fuel Do-able Molten Salt Reactor

Terrestrial Energy

Thorium Energy Alliance

Energy From Thorium including ORNL Document Repository

Bruce Hoglund’s Molten Salt Interests Home Page

Flibe Energy Inc.

The Weinberg Foundation

International Thorium Molten-Salt Forum